Pregnancy Tester Or All tester How To Use

      Pregnancy Tester Or All  tester How To Use

  1. Pregnancy Tester Or All  tester How To Use
    Pregnancy test kit


Pregnancy test kit is a rapid, qualitative, one site sandwich urine specimens of symptomatic patients for the detection of Pregnancy

It is intended to be used by trained healthcare and laboratory professionals or other health care and normal person workers who have received appropriate training or non trainer person . This product is intended for self-testing and it is for urine screening. The test is not automated; it needs to be performed and interpreted manually by the user.


  1. Collect urine sample: Collect a urine sample in a clean, dry container. It's recommended to use the first-morning urine sample as it has the highest concentration of hCG.

  2. Prepare the test kit: Open the test kit and remove the test device from the packaging. Check the expiry date and make sure the kit is not damaged.

  3. Perform the test: There are different types of pregnancy test kits available, but most involve one or more of the following steps:

  • Dip the test strip into the urine sample for the recommended amount of time (usually 5-10 seconds). Alternatively, some test kits may require the urine sample to be added to a specific area on the device using a dropper or pipette.

  • Place the test device on a flat surface and wait for the recommended amount of time (usually 3-5 minutes). The test device may show a color change or display lines, symbols or words to indicate the results.

  1. Interpret the results: After the recommended waiting time, interpret the results based on the instructions provided with the kit. A positive result typically indicates the presence of hCG in the urine, which is a sign of pregnancy. A negative result typically indicates that hCG was not detected, which may mean that the woman is not pregnant or the test was taken too early.

  2. Seek medical advice: If the test result is positive, seek medical advice from a doctor or healthcare professional for further evaluation and prenatal care. If the result is negative but pregnancy is still suspected, it's recommended to wait a few days and repeat the test or consult a doctor for further evaluation.

In conclusion, following these general steps can help ensure accurate results when using a pregnancy test kit. It's important to carefully read and follow the instructions provided with the kit and seek medical advice if the results are unclear or inconsistent.

Limitations of Pregnancy Test Kits

    • Timing of the test: One of the main limitations of pregnancy test kits is that they require a specific timing to obtain accurate results. The test should be taken after a certain period of time from the missed period, usually one week. If the test is taken too early, it may not detect the pregnancy hormone (hCG) in the urine, leading to a false negative result. Therefore, it's important to follow the instructions provided with the kit carefully and take the test at the right time.
    • Sensitivity of the test: The sensitivity of pregnancy test kits can vary, and some kits may not detect low levels of hCG in the urine. This means that if the woman is in the early stages of pregnancy or has low levels of hCG in her urine, the test may give a false negative result. Therefore, it's important to choose a test kit that has a high sensitivity to avoid false negatives.
    • Medications and medical conditions: Certain medications and medical conditions can interfere with the accuracy of pregnancy test results. For example, medications containing hCG can lead to false positive results, while conditions such as ovarian cysts and ectopic pregnancy can lead to false negative results. It's important to consult a doctor if the results of the test are unclear or inconsistent.
    • User error: Pregnancy test kits require careful and precise use to obtain accurate results. Errors such as using an expired kit, not following the instructions properly, or not collecting enough urine can lead to inaccurate results. Therefore, it's important to carefully read and follow the instructions provided with the kit.
    • Storage and transportation: Pregnancy test kits should be stored and transported properly to maintain their accuracy. Exposure to extreme temperatures or moisture can damage the kit and affect its sensitivity. Therefore, it's important to store the kit in a cool, dry place and use it before the expiry date.

In conclusion, while pregnancy test kits are a convenient and accessible tool for detecting pregnancy, they have certain limitations that should be considered. It's important to choose a high-sensitivity kit, take the test at the right time, and follow the instructions carefully to obtain accurate results.


Read the instructions carefully: It's important to carefully read and follow the instructions provided with the test kit. Follow the instructions for use, timing of the test, and storage of the kit to obtain accurate results.

  • Check the expiry date: Check the expiry date of the test kit before use. Using an expired kit can lead to inaccurate results.
  • Use the first-morning urine sample: Using the first-morning urine sample provides the most accurate results. This is because the concentration of hCG in urine is highest in the morning.
  • Avoid excessive fluid intake: Drinking too much fluid before the test can dilute the urine and affect the accuracy of the results. It's recommended to avoid excessive fluid intake for several hours before the test.
  • Avoid medications that contain hCG: Certain medications such as fertility drugs may contain hCG and can lead to false positive results. It's recommended to avoid medications that contain hCG before taking the test.
  • Confirm results with a doctor: A pregnancy test kit provides a preliminary indication of pregnancy. It's important to confirm the results with a doctor for further evaluation and prenatal care.
  • Store the test kit properly: Store the test kit in a cool, dry place and away from sunlight. Exposure to extreme temperatures or moisture can damage the kit and affect its sensitivity.
  • Dispose of the test kit properly: After use, dispose of the test kit and urine sample properly. Follow the instructions for disposal provided with the kit.
  • In conclusion, following these general warnings and precautions can help ensure accurate results when using a pregnancy test kit. It's important to confirm the results with a doctor and seek prenatal care if the test is positive.


A pregnancy test kit is a simple and effective way to determine if a woman is pregnant. The test kit detects the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, which is produced by the placenta after implantation. The test involves collecting a urine sample and performing a simple procedure to interpret the results. Following the instructions carefully and taking certain precautions, such as using the first-morning urine sample and checking the expiry date, can help ensure accurate results. A positive test result indicates the presence of hCG and a likely pregnancy, while a negative result may indicate that the woman is not pregnant or the test was taken too early. Seeking medical advice from a doctor or healthcare professional is recommended for further evaluation and prenatal care.

Breathing Technique

Wim Hof Breathing Technique
Healthy Ling


Nepalis have a high rate of chronic cough. This disease is listed as a major physical disorder. used for cooking food indoors. It is usually more common in people over 40 years of age. There are various medications and other methods for the management of patients with chronic asthma, of which chest rehabilitation is a major method. It includes drug treatment as well as other methods and it plays an effective role in improving the patient's condition and improving the patient's quality of life.

Benefits of breathing exercises

If the patient can do breathing exercises at home, it will be easier to improve the patient's health.

  • This exercise relaxes the muscles used in breathing and relieves chronic asthma
  • Reduces breathing difficulties and fatigue in patients
  • This exercise increases the patient's ability to exercise and improves the overall health of the patient and helps the patient lead a quality life.

''Although the breathing exercise program is for 6 weeks, the longer the practice, the better the results. ''

Tips for doing breathing exercises

  1. Regular intake of medication as prescribed
  2. Eat nutritious food
  3. Do breathing exercises
  4. Method of extracting khakar
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Pay attention to cleanliness
  7. Exercising the muscles
  8. Arrange ventilation in the kitchen room
  9. Doing activities of daily living with ease

A method of detoxification

. Therefore, it should be removed from time to time. 

  1. Relaxed breathing (4-5times)
  2. deep breaths (3-5 times)
  3. again relaxed breathing (4-5 times)
  4. again 3-5 times deep breathing and
  5. Huffing (1-2 times)
  6. Coughing (2-3 times)

Method Of Daily Living Exercise

  • Making breathing easier by doing daily life tasks in an easy way.
  • Do not hold your breath while doing physical activity and do it patiently without panicking while doing any work.
  • If breathing is difficult while cooking, sit on a chair and cook
  • When lifting clothes, keep them above your shoulders.
  • Easy to eat while sitting on a chair to eat
  • When drying clothes, dry them in place.
  • How to wear socks

Control Diabetes Care & Cause Of Diabetes


Diabetes medicine

A disease in which the amount of sugar in the blood is high is called diabetes. If there is a deficiency in the production or function of the hormone called insulin, diabetes occurs.

Types of diabetes

१) Type I Diabetes

  • Pancrease Beta-cell destruction
  • Complete lack of insulin
  • Especially in children and adolescents (mostly seen in <15 years).
  • Relying on insulin to survive
  • May be associated with other autoimmune conditions such as: See vitiligo
  • Ketone bodies may appear in urine.

२) Type II Diabetes

  • Overtly visible diabetes
  • Usually appears after age 40 and has a gradual onset
  • Someone in the family may have seen it.
  • Along with obesity, metabolic syndrome, Acanthosis nigricans etc can be seen
  • Not autoimmune
  • No need to rely completely on insulin except in the last case.

3) Gestational Diabetes

  • If a woman does not have diabetes before, the increase in blood sugar at 24-25 weeks of pregnancy
  • can affect the health of both the mother and the child. Marw
  • This should include a healthy diet, physical activity and medication as needed.
  • But in some, there is a possibility of developing Type II DM in the next 5-10 years.

4) Other specific types of diabetes due to other causes

  • such as: defects in Beta-cell function, genetic defect in insulin action, decrease of the exocrine pancrease (eg. cystic fibrosis )
  • Drug or chemically inducted diabetes (eg. in the treatment of HIV/AIDS or after organ transplantation)

Causes and Risks of Diabetes

Habits related to

  • smoking and tobacco use, alcohol use, 
  • unhealthy diet, obesity and lack of physical activity

Metabolic causes

  • High blood pressure, Dyslipidaemia / Hyperlipidaemia

Physical age (45 years or more)

Hereditary: If someone in the family has diabetes (1st degree relatives)

Any medications

Diseases of the pancreas gland and pregnancy

History of insulin resistance, strokes or hypertension

Symptoms of diabetes

  • Polyuria
  • Polydipsia,
  • Polyphagia
  • Burning urine
  • Body becoming lazy
  • Fatigue even when doing normal work
  • Flickering hands and feet
  • Blurred vision
  • The mouth is dry
  • Losing or losing body weight

How to diagnose diabetes?

To diagnose diabetes, at least 2 times the amount of sugar should be more than the following limits.

What should be checked in diabetes?

There are two main purposes of diabetes screening. 

1. See Sugar Control

  • Sugar and HbA1C are checked to find out whether diabetes is under control.

2 To see the side effects of diabetes (Target Organ Damage):

  • It should be found out whether diabetes has badly affected any organ.

Therefore, heart, kidney and eye tests should be done mainly.

  1. Complete Blood Count
  2. Sugar, HbA1C and Cholesterol
  3. Examination of urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium and urine
  4. Eye examination
  5. Chest X-ray, ECG, ECHO (if required)
  6. Thyroid Function Test (TFT), Liver Fudsion Test (LFT)

Prevention and Control of Diabetes (Sugar Control)

Control of diabetes

physical activity

Control over food

Drug use

  • It is very important to have a balance of these three aspects for the control of diabetes. If one of these aspects is not coordinated, diabetes will not be well controlled.
  • If diabetes is not controlled, the amount of sugar can be high (Hyperglycemia) or low (Hypoglycemia). Diabetic patients have to take daily amount of medicine, certain food and daily physical activity. Calories obtained from food should be expended by physical activity. Medicines bring the remaining sugar under control.

Diabetes Care

  1. Check for sugar control Check HbA1C every 3-3 months and check FBS or PP as per doctors advice
  2. Blood pressure check
  3. Cholesterol screening Regular checkups 3 to 6 months apart
  4. Urine and creatinine tests should be done every 6 months

Medicines used in diabetes

  • Type 1 diabetes requires insulin.
  • Oral medicine is used in Type 2 diabetes. If sugar is not controlled by oral medication, insulin is given. Medicines used in diabetes are of the following types.

  1. o Sulfonylureas: Glimepiride, Glibenclamide
  2. o Meglitinide: Repaglinide
  3. o Glucagon like peptide 1: Exenatide
  4. o Biguanide: Metformin
  5. o Thiazolidinediones: Pioglitazone

Complications of Diabetes

Diabetes affects almost all important organs of the body. Especially it has a bad effect on important organs like heart, kidney, brain, blood vessels and eyes. Complications of diabetes are found to be more in patients without it.

  • Stroke
  • Loss of vision Retinopathy
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Proteinuria
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diseases of large and small blood vessels
  • Neuropathy
  • Diabetic Foot

Infection Prevention and Control

 Infection Prevention and Control

Infection Prevention


Infection prevention is an important part of quality healthcare. Infection prevention means protecting patients/customer service personnel and other employees from contracting any communicable diseases. If infection prevention measures are properly adopted while providing services, besides providing protection to the health of the customers and patients who come to receive services, there will be good health benefits and the service providers will also provide security and increase their work capacity.

Main objectives of infection prevention

Importance of infection prevention

  •  Infection prevention is the main demand for quality health care.
  • To prevent incurable diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis 'B' from being transmitted to each other Infection prevention is the only solution

What is a communicable disease and how is it transmitted?

  • Source (Reservoir or Source): Source refers to the place or place where microorganisms live, grow and grow, such as: people, animals, insects, plants, air, water, tools, equipment, soil, etc.
  • Mode of transmission: Mode of transmission means that the disease is spread from the source to the person who is likely to get the disease through various means. These means are different according to the type of disease. For example: Some germs are transmitted through direct contact, while they are transmitted through special means (air, water, dirty hands, animal bites).
  • Susceptible host: A susceptible person means that just as the microorganisms come out of the sick person through different ways, in the same way, the microorganisms enter the body of the person who is likely to get the disease. In this way, the germs enter the body and the person who may be infected has the possibility of getting the disease.

A person who is likely to transmit the disease

means of moving


The cycle of disease arises in the interrelationship of the three chakras mentioned above. Infectious microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites are transmitted from one person to another through various means.

Infection Prevention Measures:

Hand washing methods

methods of hand wash

It is very important to wash your hands before giving Sangini Sui. Generally, there are two ways to wash hands:

  • Simple hand washing (Simple hand washing)
• Using alcohol hand rub (Alcohol hand rub)
(Regular running water is the most suitable for hand washing.)

Simple hand washing methods

  • Soak hands in water
  • Apply soap on your hands and rub all parts of your hands for 15-30 seconds so that foam comes out.
  • Wash with clean water.

Purposes of waste disposal

  • To prevent the infection of waste materials to the employees working in the service and the people of the local community.
  • Protecting people handling waste from accidental injuries.
  • Avoiding bad smell from garbage.

Disposal of waste material

Puncture Proof Containers are required for proper disposal of waste items such as used needles and syringes from Sangini Clinic. In addition to this, it is very important to use the vessel effectively.

Effective use of containers

If the sharps disposal container is always and properly used, it will help to prevent needlestick accidents. In this part of the manual, the main points used in the training and supervision of service providers are mentioned.

  • After inserting the needle, the needle should never be put back on the needle. For most health care workers, needlestick injuries occur when a needle is used.
  • Needles and syringes should be stored in sharps containers immediately after use. After inserting the needle, do not bend the needle or separate the needle from the syringe by hand. The more syringes and needles are handled by hand, the greater the risk.
  • Containers for used needles should be kept near the injection site. Most needlestick accidents occur after the needle has been administered but before the needle is placed in the sharps container. Therefore, used needles and syringes should be put in the container immediately.
  • Sharp items should not be kept in such a way that the pot is completely filled. After collecting the syringes and needles up to the designated circle of the vessel, they should be burnt.

Disposal Method:

Easy and non-polluting methods should be adopted to destroy syringes and needles. Syringes and needles can be disposed of in two ways: incineration or burning

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Depo Provera Short Birth Control

Depo Provera Short Birth Control

 injection medroxyprogesterone acetate

 Depo-Provera is a well-known brand name for medroxyprogesterone acetate it advantage side effect and usage, 

What is depo provera ?

Depo provera is the trade name for Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate. It is available in the form of a needle, a family planning tool used by women. It works as a contraceptive for three months after the injection. Its quantity is 150 mg. 


 depo provera is a very reliable means of family planning. If the  depo provera needle is taken correctly i.e. exactly 3/3 months, its effectiveness is more than 99 percent. 

How does  depo provera work?

  • Prevents egg production. 
  • It thickens the cervical mucus which prevents sperm from entering the uterus.
  • The inner part of the uterus is thinned, so that even if the egg is fertilized, the pregnancy cannot survive due to the lack of a favorable environment for the development of the embryo. 

When to start  depo provera injection for the first time?

 The first needle should be inserted within 7 days of menstruation.

If the woman is sure that she is not pregnant, this needle can be inserted on any day of the menstrual cycle. If the needle is inserted after 7 days of menstruation, other means should also be used for another 7 days. 

If a woman is using the breastfeeding method of contraception (less than 6 months) and has not had her period, it can be used at any time within 6 weeks to 6 months. If it is more than 6 months, it can be used at any time after making sure that the woman is not pregnant. If she has not had menstruation, she should wear needles and use other means for seven days. If menstruating, inject like any other regularly menstruating woman can be

  1. depo provera needle can be inserted after 6 weeks of delivery if the woman is not breastfeeding.
  2. Non-breastfeeding mothers can use depo provera  needle after 3 weeks of delivery. 
  3. depo provera can be started immediately or within 7 days after spontaneous or external abortion

How much time to wear depo provera?

depo provera needle is more effective if used every 3 to 3 months. But this needle can be used 2 weeks before 3 months or 2 weeks after 3 months. 

What are the advantages of depo provera? 

  • You can get pregnant again after stopping using it (Reversible method)
  •  It is effective for 3 months if used once. You don't have to use it every day like a pill. Also privacy is not violated. |
  • It is useful for breastfeeding women.

Other benefits of depo provera 

  1. Reduces Pelvic Intestinal Disease (PID).

  2. . This needle can prevent endometriosis, ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer, uterine fibroids, breast lumps, etc. 

Disadvantages of depo provera

Changes in the appearance of blood during menstruation are normal. In the beginning, menstruation may be disturbed and there may be heavy bleeding, and gradually it becomes non-menstrual. Most women may stop menstruating a year after the injection. 

  • This needle sexually transmitted disease and H. i. It does not provide protection against HIV and AIDS. Sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. 

What kind of women can use this needle?

  1. .Do not take pills and smoke after reaching the age of 35 years.
  2. Want to use a reliable and easy method.
  3. methods want to keep privacy.
  4. Others who are dissatisfied with family planning 
  5. Anemic women 

What kind of women should be careful when using depo provera?

  • Pregnant or suspected of being pregnant
  • Lumpy breast, suspected cancer
  • Abnormal menstrual bleeding and intermenstrual bleeding have recently had 
  • liver disease
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  •  Diabetic
  • Very head ache
  •  Sad mood

 blood pressure should be monitored.

Women with depressed mood should have regular follow-up if they use depo provera needle. 

Correcting misconceptions 

  • depo provera has received approval from the Ministry of Health
  • depo provera does not make a woman childless, although it may take time for menstruation to return. 
  • depo provera does not dry menses quickly.
  • depo provera does not cause birth defects or is immortal even in giving birth to more than one.
  • depo provera does not change the sexual behavior of women. 

How to use depo provera needle?

The depo provera needle should be used according to the following.

First Step - Preparation:

  • Necessary items for depo provera needle such as:depo provera needle, syringe, spirit, cotton etc.
  • Check the date of expiry date of the spouse's file.
  •  Prepare the client for the needle and make them sit comfortably.

Step 2 – Preparation for needling:

  •  Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and allow to dry.
  • Soak cotton in spirit and clean the place where the needle will be inserted (deltoid or gluteal muscle) in a circular motion. 
  • Allow the area wiped with spirit to dry.

Step 3 – Needle Preparation:

  1. Dissolve the medicine by shaking the vial of depo provera well.
  2.  Use separate sterilized AD syringes and needles for each client.
  3. Remove the rubber part of the vial without touching it. 
  4. To withdraw the medicine, insert the needle into the vial without taking air into the syringe.
  5.  Carefully draw all the depo provera medicine in the vial and add 1 ml. Stop when you come! 
  6.  Removing the needle from the vial. To expel the small amount of air that may be there, turn the syringe vertically and gently tap the syringe and draw up the desired volume ie 1 ml. to match

4th step – giving the needle:

  • Then give the needle to the client. Pull back the plunger of the syringe slightly to see if the needle enters the blood vessel.
  • If the needle is not in the blood vessel, fully depress the plunger. 
  • After giving the medicine, take out the needle and gently press it with a dry cotton, do not wrap it.

Fifth step - After giving the needle:

  • Sharps without re-capping needles and syringes immediately after use Put it in a container.
  • Wash your hands with soapy water.

Sixth step – Post-needle consultation: 

  • In three months after the injection, ask to come again for another injection and write the date on the card .
  • the danger signs and to keep in touch in case of any problem.
  • Compared to other disposable syringes, the method of using AD syringes is different as follows:
  • filling the vial with medicine in this syringe, air should never be filled in the syringe. If the vial fills with air, the syringe will close and become ineffective.
  • When taking the amount of depo provera needle into the syringe, air must be prevented from passing through the needle. Since the plunger of this syringe cannot be pulled back and forth freely, air cannot be thrown out. If the healthcare worker knowingly or unknowingly draws too much air, the amount of needle used may be less.
  • After inserting the needle into the client's flesh, pull back the piston to see if it has entered the blood vessel. Since this syringe is self-closing, the plunger of the syringe can be pulled back only a small amount to ensure that the needle does not enter the blood vessel. It can be known whether the tip of the needle is in the blood vessel or not if the plunger moves back a little.

Similarities between AD syringe and other

  • Regardless of the type of injection, the right drug, in the right amount, to the right client, at the right time and in the right place must always be used before giving the needle. The drug should be injected only after gaining consciousness, taking into account the instructions mentioned in the vial level.
  • Never touch the needle, the needle hub, the rubber part of the vial and the injection site while giving the injection. If you do this, they can be contaminated by micro-organisms. If the needle, needle hub, rubber part is touched, another new syringe should be used.
  • Health workers should not use their fingers to find the appropriate place for the injection and to stop the blood if it bleeds after the injection. By doing this, the possibility of transmission of blood-borne diseases from the customer to the service person and from the service person to the customer may increase. The vial should be shaken gently to dissolve the medicine well before filling the depo provera needle syringe.
  • A new needle and syringe should be used for each injection. If there is no vial or syringe with the syringe, this needle can be given only with other sterilized needles and syringes. When giving a

What are the possible effects of concubinage?

For the first 3 to 6 months of using the depo provera needle, most women experience light and rapid bleeding without menstruation. After 9 to 12 months of use, all these effects will disappear and menstruation may also stop. For a few months after using it, some women may have a general headache and some may have a depressed mood, but these effects also disappear on their own. Some women gain weight. This can be a positive effect for skinny women.

If the above effects occur or persist for a long time, consult the client's doctor Where should it be sent. 

What are the dangerous conditions that can be caused by depo provera?

Immediate treatment is necessary in the following situations:

  • If there is heavy bleeding from the vagina
  • If the head hurts a lot (Repeated Migraine Headache)
  •  if the lower stomach hurts a lot
  • If the mood is too sad

Management and treatment of side effects 

Irregular and prolonged bleeding at the beginning and cessation of menstruation are the natural side effects of depo provera injection. But this creates fear in the customers and creates a wrong perception towards depo provera injection. As a result: they develop a negative attitude towards the depo provera injection and stop wearing the depo provera injection. If women are given correct information about the side effects that can be caused by depo provera injection, and if they are given advice and suggestions regarding the treatment, they will use depo provera injection regularly and there will be no need to stop. The effects seen from the use of depo provera injection and the methods of solution are also different, which are as follows:

If there is light spotting bleeding

Women who use depo provera injection needle may experience light and spotty bleeding at first, which is normal. Although this effect lasts for a long time, it does not harm the health and the customer should be convinced about this. If the customer is not convinced, a packet of edible pills (Golden Rose or Nilokan White) should be given. Tell the client that taking the pill stops irregular bleeding. There may be some bleeding after stopping the pill, but it cannot be confirmed that all customers will experience this problem and light bleeding may occur again.

Bleeding during menstruation lasts longer than usual

25 to 30 percent of women who have received depo provera  injections may experience bleeding for longer than their previous period. Women should be convinced that this effect is also natural. If the woman is not confident, she should be advised to consume white or golden rose after 2 to 3 weeks. According to the report of the World Health Organization, it has been found that 92 percent of women who take the pill for 2 weeks have stopped bleeding. Take 800 mg Brufen 3 times a day for 5 to 7 days.

If there is too much blood

It is abnormal to bleed more than usual and for a long time during menstruation. For this, Nilokan White or Golden Rose pills should be taken at the rate of 1 pill a day for 3 weeks, if the color does not stop even after doing this, the doctor should recommend it and send it.

If menstruation stops

About 50 percent of the women who use the needle needle, 12 months after starting the needle, and 75 to 80 percent of the women stop menstruating if they continue to use the needle. This is a natural side effect of the depo provera needle, but women often stop using the needle because they don't understand it or because the service provider doesn't explain it to them. Therefore, the service provider should advise the customer on the following:- 

  • Cessation of menstruation is a natural effect.
  • It should be reminded that this is due to the effect of the medicine of depo provera injection , information should also be given that it is not necessary to take a pregnancy test to determine if she is pregnant or not. 
  • The benefits of stopping menstruation should be explained.
  • It should also be mentioned that just like there is no period when breastfeeding the baby, there is no period by using depo provera injection and it protects the body from the disease of loss of blood.

[Something to remember Estrogen should not be used to induce menstruation when you are not menstruating.

Storage of depo provera injection

All depo provera injection packets have their expiration date written on them. After the expiration date, the depo provera injection needle automatically becomes unusable. Always read the instructions on the packet when storing depo provera injection needles. depo provera injection should be kept in a cool but dry and clean drawer away from sunlight.

As mentioned in the packet of depo provera injection, the vial of depo provera injection should always be kept vertically, so that it is easy to dissolve the depo provera injection.

Keeping in mind the number of customers who come to get depo provera injection, the stock of depo provera injection should be kept. If you are not able to provide service to the customer on time, you will lose the customer's trust and the number of customers may decrease.

Monitoring of clients who use needles

  • A woman who is having a depo provera injection should never forget that she has to get the needle every 3-3 months.
  • Customer contact card should be given to the woman after the first injection of the female partner mentioning the date of second injection.
  • It should be clearly stated that the date mentioned in the card should be mandatory.
  • If you are not able to get the injection on the specified date, you can get the injection for 2 weeks. If it is delayed, the effect of the medicine will be reduced and there is a possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, one should wait until the next menstruation by adopting other family planning methods. If you are sure that you are not pregnant or if you have not had intercourse, you can insert this needle at any time. If you can't come to get the needle on the specified date, you can get it 2 weeks before reaching 3 months                                                                                   more others