Physical activity or fitness

 Some facts about physical activity 

Healthy tips Some facts about physical activity


Lack of physical activity is considered the fourth leading cause of death. According to the World Health Organization, physical activity is defined as any physical exercise, sports, walking, daily physical activity, etc., that burns calories in our body. Apart from that, it includes household activities such as playing, carrying heavy loads, traveling, and daily activities. 

Exercise is a type of physical activity. Which is a planned, structured and repetitive activity. Physical exercise is done with the aim of improving the health condition of the person and maintaining the same condition.

Jogging for less than 30 minutes 5 times a week is considered a lack of physical activity. Regular physical activity is the best way to keep the body healthy. Regular physical activity benefits all parts of the body. It is especially considered to be very beneficial for the heart, blood vessels, lungs and hands and feet. 

Some facts about physical activity 

in the world 

  • • It is one of the few leading risks of death in the world.
  •  • Physical activity has direct health benefits and plays an important role in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.
  • • Globally, 1 in 4 people and more than 80% of adolescents are not physically active. 
  • • According to the WHO report of 2008, mortality due to physical inactivity  


 2 people die every second 

every hour708 deaths 

16986 deaths every day

6.2 million deaths each year 

Types of physical activity 

   The role of intensity in physical activity is important. Intensity means how hard our body is working during the activity. Physical activity that increases our heart rate is considered good. There are two types of physical activities that keep our body healthy based on intensity: 

1 Moderate activity:   It is an activity that increases the heart rate and also causes sweating. Such activities can be done while working or in free time. Below are examples of activities that involve moderate stress or force 

  •  While cleaning the house, washing clothes, carrying heavy items,
  •  When gardening, walking briskly,
  • While cycling or dancing 

2 Strenuous activity: Activity that makes your breathing and heart beat faster. If someone is working with such intensity, he cannot speak more than a word or two without taking a breath. Examples:

  • Cutting firewood in the forest and carrying it, plowing the field

  • Carrying household goods, farm work

  •  Driving a rickshaw, building a house, a road

  • While running, playing football or any other outdoor sport or swimming 

       Muscle strengthening activities In

addition to moderate or vigorous activities, we should also do muscle strengthening activities at least twice a week. These activities strengthen all the important muscles of our body But the activity of strengthening the muscles is not counted as a strenuous activity. They are: weight lifting (varttolan), yoga, digging, plowing etc.

Recommended amount of daily activity for children and adults.

Recommended amount of daily activity for adults.

At least two and a half hours of (150minite)moderate-intensity activity (brisk walking) each week


every week (75 minutes) Strenuous activity (running, jogging)


Muscle-strengthening activities (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, hips, and abdominals) that involve muscle impact two or more days per week 

• As a general rule, 1 minute of vigorous intensity activity and 2 minutes of moderate intensity activity are about the same. You should ease into moderate intensity activities before moving on to vigorous activities.

• 150 minutes of physical activity throughout the week can be broken down into smaller chunks per day and done in whatever works best for us. Only physical activity performed for at least 10 minutes at a time should be counted. 


Recommended amount of daily activity for children

  • Children between the ages of 1 and 5 should be physically active for at least 3 hours throughout the day. One thing to remember is that children do not have to do all 3 hours of activity at once. Adding up all the light activities throughout the day can add up to that amount of time.

    1. Like standing, playing and walking around.
    2. Examples of vigorous activities: fast cycling, jumping rope, etc 
    3. Examples of moderate activities: cycling, walking to school, etc

  •  Older children and adolescents should get 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. 

  Things to keep in mind when doing physical activity

   Both speed and timing are important in physical activity. 

       to be noted

Gradually increase both time and speed.

Warm Up

Difficulty walking, any danger signs Rest immediately if seen Seek advice from a doctor

Not to be done

Physical activity should not be done on non-sancho days

Do not walk immediately after eating.

 Do not walk too tiringly

Preventing water loss in the body 


Warning Sign

Something while walking be difficult It should be stopped immediately. such as:

  • chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Being very tired
  • Heart palpitations
  •  Being too selfish. 

    Benefits of physical activity 

  • Reduces the chances of CVD.
  • Prevents diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer etc. in healthy people.
  • Controls diseases in unhealthy people. For example, it reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and keeps weight under control. 

Other benefits

Refreshment comes.

Reduces mental stress.

Self-confidence is good.

Strengthens the muscles. likes food

Increases the amount of oxygen in the body.

Sleep feels good

If physical activity is not regular

Heart attack and stroke Including other heart and Vascular diseases (CVD) are more likely to occur.



Short-term (a single session of physical activity)

↑ Mood & energy

↑ Self-esteem

↑ Sleep

↑ Concentration

↑ Good cholesterol

↑ Calories used



↓High blood sugar

↓Bad cholesterol

Medium-term (4-8 weeks of regular physical activity)

↑ Muscle strength

↑ Bone & joint strength

↑ Balance & posture

↑ Heart health

↑ Insulin sensitivity

↓Body weight & body fat

↓Joint pain & swelling


↓Bad cholesterol


 Long-term (months to years of regular activity)

↑ Quality of life and overall well-being

↑Your independence

↑ How long you live

↓heart disease

↓osteoporosis (bone disease)

↓dementia (such as Alzheimer's)

↓Certain cancers (colon & breast cancer) 

↑= improve/increase;↓ = decrease/lower 

        Main conclusion

Key messages

  •  The patient should consult a doctor about walking.
  •  A healthy person should walk for more than 30 minutes daily.
  •  It is better for the patient to walk for 1 hour daily.
  •  If you have trouble walking, you should seek medical advice.
  •  People who don't do daily physical activity can get many types of diseases within a few years.
  • Apart from the daily chores of the house, it is better to walk more every day.

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