Breathing Technique

Wim Hof Breathing Technique
Healthy Ling


Nepalis have a high rate of chronic cough. This disease is listed as a major physical disorder. used for cooking food indoors. It is usually more common in people over 40 years of age. There are various medications and other methods for the management of patients with chronic asthma, of which chest rehabilitation is a major method. It includes drug treatment as well as other methods and it plays an effective role in improving the patient's condition and improving the patient's quality of life.

Benefits of breathing exercises

If the patient can do breathing exercises at home, it will be easier to improve the patient's health.

  • This exercise relaxes the muscles used in breathing and relieves chronic asthma
  • Reduces breathing difficulties and fatigue in patients
  • This exercise increases the patient's ability to exercise and improves the overall health of the patient and helps the patient lead a quality life.

''Although the breathing exercise program is for 6 weeks, the longer the practice, the better the results. ''

Tips for doing breathing exercises

  1. Regular intake of medication as prescribed
  2. Eat nutritious food
  3. Do breathing exercises
  4. Method of extracting khakar
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Pay attention to cleanliness
  7. Exercising the muscles
  8. Arrange ventilation in the kitchen room
  9. Doing activities of daily living with ease

A method of detoxification

. Therefore, it should be removed from time to time. 

  1. Relaxed breathing (4-5times)
  2. deep breaths (3-5 times)
  3. again relaxed breathing (4-5 times)
  4. again 3-5 times deep breathing and
  5. Huffing (1-2 times)
  6. Coughing (2-3 times)

Method Of Daily Living Exercise

  • Making breathing easier by doing daily life tasks in an easy way.
  • Do not hold your breath while doing physical activity and do it patiently without panicking while doing any work.
  • If breathing is difficult while cooking, sit on a chair and cook
  • When lifting clothes, keep them above your shoulders.
  • Easy to eat while sitting on a chair to eat
  • When drying clothes, dry them in place.
  • How to wear socks

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