Detox body cleans

                     The importance of the


body clean with detox

               ABOUT DETOX MACHINE                                                                                                      

Detox machines are devices that claim to help rid the body of toxins by using various methods such as ionization, infrared heat, or water-based therapies. These machines are often marketed as a way to improve overall health and well-being by removing harmful substances from the body.

Why should we DETOX our body?

Today's toxic 21st century environment causes more acid in the body Because the quantity, chemicals and heavy metals are more than before. - Because the belief that disease is caused by toxins is mentioned in all treatment traditions. Like: Egyptian, American, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Chinese etc.

Benefits of DETOX after removing waste

Helps control diabetes, high blood pressure and low blood pressure.

Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs are damaged and weakened Removes all the bad elements that cause obstacles.

After all the wastes that spoil the body are removed, the blood becomes clean. Therefore, it helps to cure dandruff, chaya poto, skin diseases, wounds and jaundice quickly. - Rheumatism, uric acid, cholesterol, tumors, stones, kidney, urinary disorders and Removes bad diseases that cause cancer.

makes the body light, agile, flexible and strong.

How much garbage comes out in 14 times?

Since the released waste is spread in the water, it seems like a lot has been released, but if you look at the waste after drying it in water, not even 1 gram is enough. So at least 3 to 14 times should be taken out.


Those with metal inside the body, menstruating, pregnant, those with wounds on their legs, those with cancer, those under 8 years of age.

How does it work?

According to the Accu Pressure method, there are Accu points of all the organs on our feet and there are about 4,000 microscopic holes that cannot be seen by the eye. When we immerse our feet in hot water that can withstand 30-40 8 then those holes open and there is a black material immersed in the water which is called lon array. Which makes -ve Ion and those ions reach the cells of our body through the OSMOSIS process through the pores of the feet. They are mixed with -ve lon +ve lon (Toxins). (According to scientists, Toxins are usually +ve.) And again they come out of the pots through OSMOSIS and after coming in contact with air, they turn into different colors and again Toxins do not enter through those holes. We cannot feel all this happening. Because they are dry. Studies have shown. This machine also improves the oxygen content.

before using                15 minutes after using      30 minutes after using

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