Smoking & Tobacco cessation new trick 2023


Smoking & Tobacco cessation new trick 2023
Smoking & Tobacco cessation new trick 2023

Smoking and the use of tobacco products are among the main 4 factors responsible for incurable diseases. The use of tobacco products can be divided into two types. 

1. Smoking tobacco, such as cigarettes, cigars, bidis, hookahs, Chilim, Kakkar

           2. Smokeless tobacco, such as tobacco, khaini, gutkha, etc. Tobacco products contain at least 7000 types of chemicals, 69 of which contain harmful substances that cause cancer. Nicotine is addictive in all tobacco products. There are also element 

Some facts about deaths caused by smoking and tobacco use 


Consumption of tobacco products kills almost half of the users. Every year, 7 million people in the world die due to the consumption of tobacco products. Out of which 10% die from second hand smoking.

 - 25% out of cardiovascular diseases are caused by tobacco. Out of which 10% are caused by cigarettes only.                                                                                     

          💬(When burning tobacco or coming in contact with the smoke thrown by a smoker, people who do not consume tobacco products also see its adverse effects. This is known as second hand smoking.) 

Every second 1 person died

Every hours 684 people died

each day. 16,438 deaths
 70milion Death of every years

Effects of smoking and tobacco products 

1. Health effects

Smoking mainly affects various parts of the body and causes related diseases, such

  • the brain-barin stroke   
  • the mouth-of the mouth Cancer  
  • neck-of the neck Cancer  
  • the heart- heart attack, High blood pressure
  • of the lungs- COPD, the lungs cancer 
  • in pregnancy-low birth weight ,miscarriage, Stillbirth 

Immediate effects on the heart and blood vessels 
Cholesterol builds up on the inside of blood vessels
Increase LDL, decrease HDL
Increases heart rate 
Clot by thickening the blood
Narrowing of blood vessels
Heart attack and stroke
Raise blood pressure

2. Social and economic implications

-Other people don't like it
-Mouth breathing counts
-Discord arises in the family
- Its smoke affects young children, the elderly and pregnant mothers
-Cigarette butts and their butts litter around the house and in urban areas. 

Economic implications

Destruction of money (Example: Estimated consumption of 2 cigarettes at the rate of 10 rupees per day would cost at least 300 rupees per month and 3600 rupees per year. This money would be enough to buy reading copies or books for a year for young children. 

Benefits of Quitting Smoking 

Immediate and long-term health benefits of quitting smoking include:
Within 20 minutes=Heart rate and blood pressure decrease.

12 hours = The amount of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases and returns to normal.
2-12 weeks = Your blood circulation improves and lung function increases.

1-9 months = Coughing and shortness of breath are reduced. 

1 year = Your risk of coronary heart disease is 50% lower than that of a smoker.

5 years = Within 5-15 years of quitting smoking, your risk of stroke is the same as that of a non-smoker. 

10 years = Your risk of lung cancer is reduced by 50% compared to a smoker, and the risk of mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, uterus and pancreas cancer is also reduced. 

15 years = The risk of coronary heart disease is the same as that of a non-smoker. 

Quitting smoking has the following benefits for people of any age group who have health problems due to smoking: 

At the age of 30 - life expectancy increase of 10 years.

At the age of 40 - The average life expectancy increases by 9 years.

At the age of 50 - Average life expectancy increases by 6 years.

At the age of sixty - Average life expectancy increases by 3 years. 

At the age of sixty fatal diseases after - Another heart attack seen in people who quit smoking after a heart attack The probability of occurrence decreases by 50%.

Quitting smoking reduces the risk of respiratory diseases (such as asthma), ear infections and other diseases related to second-hand smoke in children.

Quitting smoking reduces the chance of fertility decline, miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and miscarriage

Other Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Methods for Tobacco Cessation:

Reduction in bad smell: The smell of cigarettes does not come from the body and the smell of breath is better.

Health benefits for others: Cigarette smoke not only harms you but also others, so if you stop smoking, others will also benefit.

Financial benefits.

What if it still goes down? If you start eating even after giving up? Primary health workers can answer based on the following written points.

Smoking makes you dull. It usually lasts for 1-2 minutes.
• There are various ways to deal with this out of which "4D" is the best way.

Delay-Delay smoking every time you go down.
Deep Breathing-Deep breathing and meditation until the bottom disappears.

All those who consume tobacco products should be given the following advice to stop smoking.

1. Giving advice about the negative effects of smoking using fully understood words. To make sure that the person who has been smoking for many years has the opinion that there is no benefit in stopping smoking and to tell them that there are many benefits in stopping smoking.
2. Advise him not to go to places where he used to smoke before, and to leave the company of people who smoke for a few days.

3. Find a way to keep yourself busy so that you don't pay attention to smoking. If you feel the urge to smoke, say 'I will wait for a while', teach meditation to move elsewhere. Asking friends and family members not to smoke in front of you

4. Counseling to sleep early at night, get plenty of rest and reduce mental stress. 5. Counseling by thinking about the benefits of quitting smoking and giving an example of how to boost your morale.

6. When you quit smoking, you should not let the thought of 'just one' come into your mind. From 'only one' Starting again as before: reminding that it can become addictive.

7. Don't get discouraged if you try to quit smoking and fail, because many people who quit smoking successfully may fail at first. So try again. Reminding that one day you will definitely be free from smoking addiction.

Key messages

1. Smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 2 to 3 times.
2. Smoking has a bad effect on blood pressure.
3. Smoking is more likely to cause lung and mouth cancer.
4. Second hand smoking also increases the risk of heart disease. 5. Those who smoke from a young age have a higher risk of heart attack.
6. No matter how much you are addicted to smoking, it is never too late to give it up.
7. Even if every attempt fails, keep trying to quit smoking.

8 Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. NRT products include patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal spray

9 Medications: Medications such as bupropion and varenicline can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and increase the chances of successfully quitting smoking

10 Counseling and Support: Counseling and support can be helpful in quitting smoking, and can include individual counseling, group counseling, or support groups

In conclusion, smoking and tobacco cessation is an important step towards better health and a longer life. Quitting smoking can be challenging, but it has significant benefits for physical and mental health , and can improve overall quality of life. A variety of methods and resources are available to help individuals quit smoking and lead a healthier life.

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